Not so random thoughts...

I'm tired of religion getting in the way of people meeting this Jesus guy. Too often, when people hear words like Jesus, bible, church and religion they just roll their eyes and automatically think of weird people and a bunch of rules. They think that being a Christian means that you can't have any fun. I feel sorry for those people. That's not the point. That's not real Christianity.

At the risk of sounding dogmatic, I strongly believe that Christianity in the United States has become a subculture. It's become more of a culture thing than a Christian thing.

It's not about any one person. It never has been. It's about community.

Jesus... the perfect picture of absolute, radical, self-sacrificing Love.

The Bible... is an amazing book. I didn't say that it's always easy to understand, but IT IS amazing. I say this from first hand experience. I actually read it, and it has revolutionized my life, as it has for countless others. It didn't make me religious and it didn't make me perfect, it just changed me for the better by helping me know what's real and what's not. But you have to give it a chance. If you disagree with me, it's probably because you've tried or are trying now to read a version that is difficult to understand. You might not know this but there are literally hundreds of translations out there today. Easy to understand in today's language. I suggest "Da Book" or "The Message". And you'll be amazed at the hundreds of stories in the Bible that absolutely pertain to every area of your life. Not kidding. I didn't believe it either until I read it for myself. Get one that you can read. The secret is this. If you read the Bible to finish it, you'll more than likely walk away empty. If you read the Bible knowing that there is life-changing power between the pages, you'll walk away the the person you were created to be.

Christians... It's almost embarassing to be called one these days because of how we're often perceived. But I also know that how Christians are often perceived is our fault. We live in a culture that has witnessed many misrepresentations of both the Christian life and Christian message and that, consequently, finds neither Christians nor the church very attractive. The characteristics that often identify a modern day Christian are vastly different than the biblical characteristics that should identify a modern day Christian. Christians do not have super-human powers. We are Christians because we have been saved by the same grace we teach. We have struggled with and endured trials and temptations just like everyone else. We love, serve, and lead best when we are real-when we take off the religious masks and allow others to see grace at work in our own lives through our weaknesses, our wounds, and our love.

We aren't perfect. We don't have it all together. We are broken. We are messed up. We are letting Him put us back together.

"I've found that sometimes the very thing that has hurt you the most, is the very thing you can use to help others. You can't change the past, so why not focus on building an incredible future?"

Live who you were created to be. Don’t waste your potential. Live like you mean it!!


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